you like him? fair warning: either the smoke monster is hiding out in our house somewhere (underneath with the rats?) or he took a big crap in our kitchen. i cannot shake the smell of smoke. washed the walls and mopped the floors. your turn bud.
yesterday i went to the garden bed and gasp! look! wretchedness! i immediately started smashing little black eggs and i snatched a flying thing. it was fly like but with bee coloring. <-- please note this bloom didn't even see the sun, poor dear, decapitated.
below are our healthy blooms.
thank you for bringing home some color
i can't wait to show you the culprits!
i just sprayed the infected ones and a healthy one on the south side of the fence with stuff we had under our sink (the turquoise bottle). to test. on the north side, none seem to be affected.
this morning katie and i rode our bikes to church.we happpend upon a magical swing. location: we'll never tell. me and my bff. wow, isn't pj a dork, just look at him
for lunch we went to a new burger joint. two hippies. and whadda know, there were magical mushrooms. katie had two helpings of those...