Sunday, January 15, 2012

metropolis- a film

a silent film restored by the magic that was the 1980's. i don't think i could have appreciated this film if it were not for zander. he puts his own fingerprints on it and i begin to see what he sees. something past myself.

its not supposed to be a comedy, but we laughed a lot. oh and don't forget about Troll Hunter. (it was a netflix night)
anyway. these actors depended so much on the eyes to tell the story.

zander thought his cousin melanie would have been perfect for a silent film role.


from mel said...

a dream, a DREAM!!!!

what fun. i imagine the laughter was so wonderful in that room that night.

p.s. WHERE did you get this picture?

EllisBelle said...

Zander nailed it! Mel fits seamlessly into so many magical things - this fit is like a glove.

Les is more said...

Mel! Remember the time we did the photo shoot with Greg for my class?? This is in Steve and Jills backyard. And do you also remember the photo shoot with Andy Maurer? haha

Ellisbelle, you're magical!