Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Sam hikes Dreamy Draw

I have a 40lb parasite strapped to my back and we're trudging through the countless trails at Dreamy Draw.  It's hot.  "You horse, I'm cowboy.  Ye-haw!"  Fine, I'll do it.  Whinny, whinny, neigh, neigh, clippity, clippity clop.  Satisfied, he settles into his pack and keeps his eye on the trail for snakes.  I tell him they're everywhere and it's up to him to keep us safe.
At the top of one lower crest he wants to hike himself.  I manage to safely lower the tubby tot to the ground and the feeling of floating almost takes my breath away.

Being carried is a lot of work, so after a snack and a long drink from his canteen,  he's ready to adventure on his own two feet.  He takes gravity by the hand and they skip off down the path as I'm yelling at them to slow down!  Sam quickly realizes the mountain needs some rearranging and starts to throw any and all rocks.  At one point he presses into the side of the hill and with all his might attempts to the move it, all of it.  Funnily enough, it doesn't budge, so he goes back to picking up huge stones and tossing them aside.  Breathing heavily, grunting, growling, the rocks are quivering in fear.  "I'm da man!  Nothin break me down.  Gas in the tank.  Money, bank.  I'm da man!  Rawwrrr!"

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