Friday, March 28, 2014

We all had the creeping crud.  It lurked for two weeks, so at the first sign of healing we skipped church, watched heart warming you tube videos of German Shepherds, cried, laughed, then went to hike Camelback Mountain.  "This is the perfect time of your sickness to get out and hike" sayeth Zander as we pull our vehicle in which will remain an undisclosed back way to the ever popular Echo Canyon trail.

 I carried one of the stinkweeds on my back and huffed and puffed my weak lungs up and over boulders, because Zander tells me, "I always seem to lose track of this trail"
Ender looking for his daddy who disappeared over the ridge. 
And Gunther.  Zander's newest best friend, who has awakened his boyhood and compliments his manhood.  Zander has written many letters to the puppy stork and sat dreaming of his new floppy eared bundle.  He has elevated this dog so much, that I'm half expecting Gunther to prophesy the future and see through to people's soul.  Zander pours a lot of thought and training into Gunther's hoped for outcome and relationship with our family.  And I can't wait till I can walk through my down town neighborhood with my intimidating beast by my side, ready to protect his pack.  With dedication and love I know Gunther will prove himself to truly be a creature that only a God could imagine and bring to reality.  I also want to teach him to dance and wear dapper top hats.  He can't take himself to seriously.

*I also must confess that I sprayed Cora twice with the hose.

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