Friday, October 26, 2012

Last Saturday began the beginning of the rest of the year.  

Despite scorching October heat, my sister and I braved an urban pumpkin patch with three gnarly and mischievous children.  I loved it!  It was free (thanks groupon).  Ender giddy upped his first pony, (thanks ruby)  and he proved he was smarter than a rat without cheese in a hay maze! 

then we whipped to Nana's house who helped me bake 2 batches of German Pretzels for the Annual Okotober Fest at Katie's einfamilienhaus.
"Prost!" to the original host, Marlene!

It takes me a week to recover, sadly, happily?  I like rest.  But my mind buzzes with ideas constantly.  Cora, such a good girl, is at the control panel of my body and switches gears for me.  She knows how to command her ship at sea.  Once she ends her 9 month voyage, landing on the wide wide shores of life, my load will be lighter and she can fly with me on my top sails or swim next to me.

speaking of which, my couin Peter John is going as Captain Ahab for Halloween!  He's achingly brilliant to think of posing as one of my favorite characters.  Zander calls me Moby when I'm pregnant (no no no I don't mind, its our affection)  I was considering as going as the White Whale....
here is some artwork I"m going to track down to hang in the house.  its simple.  i could kiss that iceberg nose!

from terry fan

Actually check out Society 6 website for some more prints, I'm exploring its eclectic gallery now.

Friday, October 19, 2012

We desert people dapple a little in fall

~what little decorations i have stored away with the cobwebs are now up!  and they are all resting on our fireplace mantle, a cozy row of earthy whimsy. 
~ender frequents the recycle garbage can and finds all sorts of trinkets and treasures, like this beer bottle.  its clean trash, so I am pretty lax with letting him dumpster dive.  you know, his daddy once found a great pair of hiking boots dumpster diving in the back of REI, so it can't be that bad....
~Zander and I are engrossed in Bram Stoker's Dracula. He is listening to it on tape and I'm nose in book. The Count is cunning and sinister.  Dr. Van Helsing provides some grandfatherly warmth to the story, otherwise, I couldn't endure all the spook!  When we come together at the end of the day to talk about it, zander provides the recap with accents and I fill him in with tidbits of information I find in the footnotes.  He is totally right, reading a book together is like going on a great adventure with someone; you inevitably bond.

Friday, October 12, 2012

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower"
the first leaf to fall into my hands this autumn came with two spring yellow birds. an odd juxtaposition perhaps, but out here in the desert it is truly our second spring of the year. the long arm of summer draws back and people and animals alike emerge from their cool dens to find butterflies, bees and hummingbirds banqueting once again on the desert flora.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

fairy lights

i think it all started with my auntie terrye residing in an oklahoma version of Ariel's cave of wonders.  she is always coming up with something new to adorn her garden and creating it herself.  one of those treasures are hanging mirrors.  the sun looks into them and the reflection is a fairy dance of lights.  ender likes to try and stomp on the delicate display, but the fairy feet are always too quick in their frolic.  the pictures do not show, but the mirrors are all adhered prettily down some fishing line.  i made these for my sister.  i make them for my mom and eventually for myself.  one day.  mama also has a glass star filled with distilled water that mingles beautifully with the light.  we are always on the hunt for a piece that hangs and reflects resplendence. 

Monday, October 08, 2012

Two years under your belt

Oh, and by the way, i think you jumped on the bandwagon of the terrible twos.  I was hoping you would disprove that as mere superstition and rise above the status quo... alas!   There is a glimmer of hope, though, for my unrealistic expectation for you.... your orneriness has coincided with a persistent cold....

Friday, October 05, 2012

weird happy kid.
eating a homemade fruit smoothie popsicle.
dropping it in the dirt and rocks
continues eating
comes inside and throws it all up.

having recently gone through a spell of first trimester vomiting, my empathy increased for the little guy and I felt our friendship solidify as i returned the favor in comforting him through the ordeal.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

 i really need to do mr. potato head a favor and purchase some glasses for ender....

he is stark naked because we are in the casual beginnings of potty training.  it is more like bringing a puppy home. or a terrorist who specializes in IEDs.  our house is a playground for his landmines. 

Successes:  While sitting on his potty, I weaved this pretty amazing story about a bear and the mysterious disappearance of daddy and his even more peculiar return.....

I told zander my tale and he liked it, to which I beamed with pride.  Zander wants to start a story telling "club".  I'm not sure who would join....  Turns out, he is really into hearing stories rather than reading.  he listens to books on tape incessantly.  For a long time I felt cast aside because it was me who read to him at night while he cleaned his guns. I've been replaced. But I accept it now.  I find it beneficial for him to listen to his book and for me to read.  He is my pronunciation coach.  I might know a word's meaning, but i butcher the sound of it.  Its important to me to speak correctly the words I know.  Besides, I have a new audience coming up who will love (or be forced) to listen to me read!