Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My friend Veronica and I purchased matching desks to re do for our boys.  This was one of the projects I thought I just had to complete before Cora arrived.  Because if I didn't have this desk finished and Ender's craft supplies prepared, then I would be up the creek without a paddle when it came to managing him and a newborn.  However, Ender, isn't terribly crazy about sitting still and quiet at a desk and delighting in crafts while I tend to the infant.   haha what was I thinking??  He does enjoy dumping his crayons out to get to his markers...
And he seems to like to make things into fishing poles and guns.   
Last night at dinner, Ender mentioned he wanted to go to school with Liam (his older cousin)
Me: "You're not old enough yet.  You need to be at least 4"
Ender took a bite of his meat.
Ender: "I did it!  I'm not two anymore!  I can go to school with Liam now!!"
Its our fault really.  Meat has become magical.  Once devoured, it magically makes Ender's muscles bigger and treats appear.   He thought it must make him older too. 

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